Club foot webinar, Simon Curtis & Hans Castelijns, 1/10

1 oktober kl 19.00

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Join Simon Curtis and Hans Castiljins for an evening exploring club foot in both young and mature horses. Video recording included.

About this event

SPEAKERS: Hans Castiljins & Simon Curtis

At some point, everyone involved in hoof-care is confronted by a club footed horse. Being able to diagnose it quickly and pursue a successful course of action is essential knowledge. If you work on young stock, you may have the chance to prevent and/or cure club foot. If you deal with mature horses, then any club-footed horse in your care need considered treatment. From 3 months to 20 years old, club foot horses can be helped.

As well as access to the live stream session on Saturday 1 October, your ticket also means you will receive the video recording afterwards – so you can rewatch multiple times, rewind and pause your video, and learn more on each viewing.



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Your ticket gives you:

* Access to the live interactive webinar

* Full video recording of the webinar

* Certificate of attendance for CPD or CE points

* Your questions answered in live speaker Q&A

* PDF for further learning/papers/studies


Unsure about your webinar start time? Once you register we will send you a list of time zones so you know exactly when we will be starting in your location.

If you can’t join us live you will still receive the recording and papers etc after the webinar, so you can rewatch and learn at any time.


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Any questions or problems please don’t hesitate to email Sophie at

You can send in your Q&A questions for the speakers prior to the same email, or as them live during the actual webinar.